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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect about you, how we may use it, and the steps  we take to ensure that it is kept secure. We also explain your rights and how to contact us. 


Please note, our App/Website may contain links to other websites which are provided for your  convenience. We are only responsible for the privacy practices and security of this Website. We  recommend that you check the privacy and security policies and procedures of each and every other  website that you visit. 


By clicking the “I Accept” box at a point of registration and each time you make a payment,  submitting your personal data to us, and using the Website you are accepting the practices  described in this Privacy Policy. 


You are permitted to establish a link to our Website from other sites provided that, if we believe it  would damage us or any of our Partner Pharmacies, you must remove the link immediately if we ask  you to do so. 


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the email:  


Changes to this Privacy Policy 

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes we may make will be posted on this page, so please check back frequently. Your continued use of our Website and our services after  posting will constitute your acceptance of, and agreement to, any changes. 


What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII) / Personal Data? 

Personal data or PII means any information relating to a person who can be identified either directly  or indirectly by that information; it may include but is not restricted to name, address, email address, phone number, credit / debit card number, IP address, location data and purchase history. 


The personal data we collect 

We may collect and process the following information about you:

  • Information you provide to us 

In order to provide the services, you require you may provide us with: 

  • written or verbal information by creating an account with us; 

  • answering questions; 

  • filling in forms on our Website; 

  • using applications; and 

  • by corresponding with us by e-mail, telephone or otherwise. 

  • information you provide when you purchase products and/or services from us;  

  • reply to an email; 

  • enter a competition, promotion or survey; and 

  • when you report a problem with our website. 


The personal information you provide may include: 

  • your name; 

  • gender; 

  • date of birth; 

  • billing and delivery address;

  • orders, receipts;

  • e-mail address;

  • telephone number; and 

  • financial and billing information (including your payment card information if you pay for any order  by credit or debit card). 


For your security, we will also keep an encrypted record of your login password. 


Information we collect about you 

We may collect your social media username, if you interact with us through those channels, to help us respond to your comments, questions or feedback.

We will also collect details of your interactions with us through our contact centres, in-store,  online and when you use any of our mobile applications. 


All personal information, including where carts are abandoned and where personal information is  obtained about you and/or any other person whose details you provide will be recorded, used, and  protected by us in accordance with current data protection legislation, our Terms and Conditions  and this Privacy Policy. 


To deliver the best possible web experience, we collect technical information about your  computer or device, internet connection and browser as well as the country, where your computer  or device is located, your IP address, the pages viewed during your visit, the advertisements you  clicked on, any search terms you may enter on our Website and other information about your visit  and how you used our Website. Learn more about how we use cookies and similar technologies on  our Cookie Policy. This information may be combined with other information you provide to us, as described above. 


Information we receive from other sources 

We also work closely with third parties (including, for example, business partners, service  providers, advertising networks, analytics providers, and search information providers) and may  receive information about you from them. This may be combined with other information you  provide to us, as described above. 


Information about other people 

If you provide information to us about any person other than yourself, you confirm that you have  made that person aware of how we may collect, use and disclose their information, the reason you  have provided it, how they can contact us, the terms of this policy and that they have consented to  such collection, use and disclosure. 


How we will use your information 

  • To create and maintain your customer account once you become a registered customer; 

  • to process and fulfill any orders that you place with us (through our Website, our mobile  applications or in-store). If we don’t collect your personal data during checkout, we won’t be able to  process your order; 

  • to continuously improve our service to our customers by monitoring telephone calls which we  receive at our branches and call centers for the purposes of staff training, quality control and service improvement;

  • to respond to your queries, refund requests and complaints. Handling the information, you submit  to us enables us to respond effectively. We may also keep a record of these queries to inform any  future communications between us and to demonstrate how we communicated with you  throughout. We do this on the basis of our contractual obligations to you, our legal obligations and  our legitimate interests in providing you with the best service; 

  • We may (where you consent) use your personal data, preferences and details of your transactions  to keep you informed by email, web, text, telephone and through our contact centres about relevant  products and services including tailored special offers, discounts, promotions, events, competitions  and so on. Of course, you are free to opt out of hearing from us by any of these channels at any time;  

  • to allow you to participate in interactive features of our services, when you choose to do so; 

  • to resolve any disputes, if you lawfully exercise your rights or if you wish to dispute any part of our  service offering; 

  • to process your booking and/or appointment requests (for example, when using our in-store  services booking form); 

  • to communicate with you in the event that any services requested are unavailable or if there is a  query or problem with your order; 

  • to capture your product reviews, for example when you buy goods and services from us we may  follow it up with an enquiry about your experience of the product to help us gauge customer  satisfaction. You are not obligated to leave reviews and ratings but this facility would enable you to  get your views of the product across should you wish to do so; 

  • to notify you about changes to our services and to send you service emails relating to the activities  you have asked us to undertake on your behalf; 

  • as part of our efforts to keep our Website safe and secure; and 

  • to comply with applicable law, for example, in response to a request from a court or regulatory  body, where such request is made in accordance with the law. 


Lawful grounds for processing 

To process your data lawfully we need to rely on one or more valid legal grounds. The grounds we  may rely upon for the processing of your Personal Data include: 

  • your consent to particular processing activities. For example, where you have consented to us  using your information for marketing purposes; 

  • your request for content, products or services necessitating steps including processing of your  personal data to be taken prior to entering into contract with you and any processing that is  necessary for the performance of such contract;

  • legitimate interests we pursue as a business, except where such interests are overridden by your  interests and fundamental rights; and 

  • compliance with any legal obligation to which we are subject, for example, the processing for the  purposes of complying with applicable law. 


Disclosure of your personal data 

There are circumstances where we wish to disclose or are compelled by law to disclose your  personal data to third parties. This will only take place in accordance with the applicable law and for  the purposes listed above. These scenarios include disclosure to: 

  • our subsidiaries, branches or associated offices; 

  • our Partner Pharmacies who may contact you by email, phone or post about other products and  services (including those from other organisations) in which you may be interested (where you have  consented to such communication); 

  • manufacturers, including those identified on our Website, who have a relationship or contract  with you for the purposes of providing rebates on the Goods you buy from our managed stocks; 

  • our outsourced service providers or suppliers to facilitate the provision of our products and/or  services to you, for example: 

    • our panel of medical experts, printing companies and mailing houses; 

  • manufacturers of the Goods in the efforts to understand customer preferences, ensure satisfactory  stock levels, to improve products and services and to calculate any volume discounts or rebates  which may be applicable to your account; 

  • our data centre provider for the safe keeping of your personal data, webhosting provider through  which your personal data may be collected; and 

  • identity verification partners in order to verify your identity against public databases (in these circumstances, we will ensure that your personal data is properly protected and that it is  only used in accordance with this Privacy Policy);

  • our nominated third-party credit agencies to derive a credit score which will be applied to  managing your account. We may also carry out credit checks with licensed credit agencies on your  guarantors (if applicable). A record of the search may be kept by us and the agencies; 

  • buying groups of which you are a member, in order to communicate with them on the orders you  have placed;

  • our advertising partners who enable us to deliver personalised ads to your devices or similar  advertising; 

  • subject to your consent, to our marketing partners, who may contact you by post, email,  telephone, SMS or by other means. If you do not wish to be contacted, you may unsubscribe by  clicking “unsubscribe” in the message concerned; 

  • analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimisation of our  Website. Your personal data is generally shared in a form that does not directly identify you; 

  • third party service providers and consultants in order to protect the security or integrity of our  business, including our databases and systems and for business continuity reasons; 

  • another legal entity, on a temporary or permanent basis, for the purposes of a joint venture,  collaboration, financing, sale, merger, reorganisation, change of legal form, dissolution or similar  event. In the case of a merger or sale, your personal data will be permanently transferred to a  successor company; 

  • public authorities where we are required by law to do so; 

  • if required, in order to receive legal advice; and 

  • any other third party where you have provided your consent. 


Offers and opportunities 

We would like to contact you and/or any person whose information you provide to us, to tell you  and/or them about offers and opportunities that are available and about a range of other initiatives in a number of ways, including by post, telephone, text/picture/video message or by email. 


Details of how to opt-in to receiving details of offers are on relevant pages of our Website. You can change your mind at any time (see the section "How to contact us" below). 



We take the security of personal information very seriously. We employ security technology,  including firewalls, and Secure Socket Layers to safeguard information and have procedures in place  to ensure that our paper and computer systems and databases are protected against unauthorised  disclosure, use, loss and damage. 


Updating and correcting information

We encourage you to promptly update your personal information if it changes. If you are providing  updates or corrections about another person, we may require you to provide us with proof that you  are authorised to provide that information to us.


You may be able to update or correct your personal information online in the “My Account” area or  by contacting us in writing or by email (see the section "How to contact us" below). 

Please include  your name, address and/or email address when you contact us as this helps us to ensure that we  accept amendments only from the correct person. 


International transfer of personal data

We may transfer your personal data to a third party in countries outside the country in which it was  originally collected for further processing in accordance with the purposes set out above.  


Retention of personal data 

Regulation or where we have a continued legitimate and lawful purpose to do so. However, we will  not retain beyond this period any of your personal data that is no longer required for the purposes  set out in this Privacy Policy. The retention of your personal data will be subject to periodic review. 


We may keep an anonymised form of your personal data, which will no longer refer to you, for  statistical purposes without time limits, to the extent that we have a legitimate and lawful interest in  doing so. 


Your rights 

Data protection law provides data subjects with numerous rights, including the right to: access,  rectify, erase, restrict, transport, and object to the processing of their personal data. Data subjects also have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority if they believe  that their personal data is not being processed in accordance with applicable data protection law. 


Right to rectification. You may request that we rectify any inaccurate and/or complete any  incomplete personal data. 


Right to withdraw consent. You may, as permitted by applicable law, withdraw your consent to the  processing of your personal data at any time. Such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of  processing based on your previous consent. Please note that if you withdraw your consent, you may  not be able to benefit certain service features for which the processing of your personal data is  essential.  


Right to object to processing, including automated processing and profiling. You may, as permitted  by applicable law, request that we stop processing your personal data. In relation to automated  processing and profiling, you may object to the processing and you will have the right to obtain  human intervention.


Right to erasure. You may request that we erase your personal data and we will comply, unless there  is a lawful reason for not doing so. For example, there may be an overriding legitimate ground for  keeping your personal data, such as, a legal obligation that we have to comply with, or if retention is  necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations. 


Right to data portability. In certain circumstances, you may request that we provide your personal  data to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have it transferred to  another provider of the same or similar services. We will comply with such transfer as far as it is  technically feasible. Please note that a transfer to another provider does not imply erasure of your  personal data which may still be required for legitimate and lawful purposes. 


Your right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. We suggest that you contact us about  any questions or if you have a complaint in relation to how we process your personal data. However,  you do have the right to contact the relevant supervisory authority directly. To contact the  Information Commissioner’s Office, the supervisory authority in the United Kingdom, please visit the  ICO website for instructions. 


Changes to the privacy laws and policies

Privacy laws and practice are constantly developing, and we aim to meet high standards. Our policies  and procedures are, therefore, under continual review. We may, from time to time, update our  security and privacy policies and suggest that you check this page periodically to review our latest policies.  


1. Cookies 

In common with many other website operators, we may use standard technology called 'cookies' on  this site. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer's  hard drive and they are used to record how you navigate this website on each visit. You can review  our cookie statement here. 


Our cookies are used to enable us to develop our Website to reflect our customers’ interests and by  femails), how frequently particular pages are visited and determining the most popular areas of our  website. We may use cookies to enrich your experience of using the website by allowing us to tailor  what you see to what we have learned about your preferences during your visits to the site. 


Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser to prevent  cookies being stored. Please note, if you do turn cookies off this will limit the service that we are  able to provide to you and may affect your visitor experience.

For further information on cookies and how to switch them off see 


2. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. 

When you visit our Website, we log your IP address (the unique address which identifies your  computer on the internet). We use IP addresses to collect broad geographic information on our Site visitors, and to optimise our Website. We do not link IP addresses to personally identifiable  information.

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